Water Conservation Tips for Your Hot Tub

Whether you are eco-conscious or just want to save a few bucks on your water bills, adopting ways to conserve water is the need of the hour. As water scarcity looms over the world, we owe it to our future generations to be as water-efficient as possible. You’ll be glad to know that you have to forego your hot tub.

Though it looks like spas need a lot of water, they actually require much less water to run than most other home appliances that use water. As hot tubs recycle water on a regular basis and you only have to fill them once in a few months. So if a person were to relax in a bathtub every day instead of soak in a hot tub, they would use almost as many gallons of water in a week as the average hot tub uses in four months.

However, it is important to conserve as much water as you can even when using a hot tub. Here are a few ways you can do your bit for the environment.

Clean and Replace Your Filters Regularly

The filters are perhaps the most important elements of your hot tub as they work to keep the water clean. Efficiently working filters remove debris, dirt, dust, and even some bacteria from your hot tub. The cleaner your filter water is, the less you have to replace it with fresh water.

To ensure the filters of your hot tub are working properly, a quick check once in a few days will keep you apprised of their condition. Look for cracks, wear, and tearing when you inspect. A brief rinse with a garden hose will clear them of contamination.

Cover Your Hot Tub When Not in Use

Whenever you are not using your hot tub, make sure to cover it up properly. Doing this will prevent water loss due to evaporation and contamination by fallen leaves, bugs, or particulate matter. By investing in high-quality tub covers with tight seals and strong straps, you can ensure that little to no water escapes the tub, thereby facilitating water conservation.

Check for Leaks or Cracks

While the best quality hot tubs are rarely susceptible to any crack, mishandling your tub or improper maintenance can lead to cracks.

Cracks in your hot tub shell or other plumbing issues can cause unprecedented water loss. Inspect your spa for damage to catch any problems early before they worsen. The best way to look out for leaks is to keep an eye on the water level and inspect the outside cabinet for moisture and the area around the base of the cabinet for water every time you use your tub.

Aim the Jets Consciously

The jets of your hot tub can significantly improve your spa experience. As modern tubs are powered by strong motors, so if the nozzles aren’t aimed below the waterline, some water may splash out. And if you ignore the position of your jets, it can lead to a lot of water loss. So it is imperative to adjust your nozzles to assure you always get the perfect massage while keeping the water levels in check.

If you are looking for a hot springs spa in Los Angeles, get in touch with us at California Hot Tubs inc.